About the study
For many years, Sweden has been a leading nation in work environment research. The country has a strong tradition of surveying conditions in the workplace, in particular through the biennial Swedish Work Environment Survey (SWES), a repeated cross-sectional study that began in 1989. While SWES provides a good picture of the changing conditions in working life, new questions continually arise. Further, it is not possible to see what comes first: Does a poor working environment affect health, or is it the case the people already in poor health tend to get poorer quality jobs? Answering these questions is facilitated by following the same people over time, in repeated-measures studies that observe whether improvements and deteriorations in the work environment predict changes in health. SLOSH offers these possibilities to researchers.
Other aspects highlighted in SLOSH are conditions outside of the workplace, for example how retirement affects health. By asking participants questions that have not previously been asked in a nationally representative sample in Sweden, SLOSH offers the opportunity to shed light on the existence of little-studied and new conditions in the workplace, including technostress, organizational change and telework. In this way, the SLOSH panel generates unique opportunities to research the health consequences of work.
All SLOSH participants are followed up, regardless of their labour market status, creating a sample that can be used to study participants who leave their jobs, for example through unemployment or retirement. In the future, we will add participants still in their teens in order to investigate health in relation to education, entering the labour market and any consequences of not working or studying.
The aim of SLOSH is to provide a basis for the investigation of longitudinal associations between work organisation, work environment, labour force participation, health and well-being, while taking social conditions, individual differences, health behaviours, coping strategies, work-private life interaction, sleep, ageing and business cycle variations into account.
The SLOSH sample consists of all people who answered the Swedish Work Environment Survey between 2003 and 2019. This survey is run by the Swedish Work Environment Authority and Statistics Sweden (SCB) and is in turn based on the Labor Force Surveys (LFS), which are carried out every year. In these, randomly selected individuals of working age are asked about employment. In the sample drawn for the LFS, stratification is done by county, sex, citizenship and employment according to the employment register. The sample for the Swedish Work Environment Survey is a sub-sample of the people who participated in the LFS and who were employed at the time of the interview.
The SLOSH questionnaires consist of detailed questions about working life, general life situation, health and well-being. Data from administrative registers on, among other things, sick leave and hospital admission are linked to the questionnaires both retrospectively (backwards in time) and prospectively (forwards in time). A list of which questions are included in the different years is provided upon request to data@slosh.se.
Researchers who need more statistical power can sometimes benefit from following up to 119,047 participants in SWES 1989-2013 with administrative register data, which are available until 2017 as part of SLOSH. These data constitute a closed cohort and cannot be linked to any responses to the SLOSH surveys or other SLOSH data. For more information, please contact us at data@slosh.se.
The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) was the original funder, followed by Forte, and from 2010 the Swedish Research Council (VR) has been the main financer. Since 2018, SLOSH has been part of the national infrastructure REWHARD, which is financed by VR together with Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet. The study is approved by the Regional Ethics Review Board in Stockholm and the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. For a more detailed description, see the published cohort profile.
Advantages and limitations
One of the major advantages of SLOSH is that it is based on a large, nationally representative sample of the working population. The large sample makes it possible to draw conclusions that apply to the general working population, but also to study particular groups, e.g., people who work in human services professions. However, the greatest advantage of the SLOSH study lies in its longitudinal design. Following the same people with similar questions over time provides the opportunity to analyze not only correlations, but also causality. Something that cannot be done in a cross-sectional study like SWES.
The longitudinal design has another very important advantage – it becomes possible to study the health consequences of changes as well. In today's mobile working life, where few people can expect to have the same job for the rest of their lives, these changes can have at least as large consequences as the working environment in an individual workplace. Considering the aging population, questions about retirement and possibilities for an extended working life become particularly interesting.
The opportunities to study changes also have a technical side. If you can show that a change in a certain measure has a prospective relationship with how health changes, then that is an even stronger sign of a causal relationship than if you just show that different levels at one time are related to health at a later time.
SLOSH builds on a tradition of high-quality cohort studies – notably Whitehall II, GAZEL and the Ten Town/Finnish Public Sector Study – but is unique in that it is based on a nationally representative sample followed over a long time period. SLOSH is a valuable infrastructure for a large number of ongoing and planned studies. Its value for research will increase even more over time through new data collections, refreshment with new participants and an ever-lengthning follow-up time.
Table 1. Overview of the development of the SLOSH cohort including response rates.
Wave | SWES year(s) | Culmulative cohort size | No. of contacted persons* | No. of responses registered | Response frequency |
2006 | 2003 | 9 214 | 9 149 | 5 985 | 65.4% |
2008 | 2003-2005 | 18 917 | 18 734 | 11 441 | 61.1% |
2010 | 2003-2005** | 21 489 | 20 291 | 11 525 | 56.8% |
2012 | 2003-2005 | 18 917 | 17 409 | 9 880 | 56.8% |
2014 | 2003-2011 | 40 877 | 38 657 | 20 316 | 52.5% |
2016 | 2003-2011 | 40 877 | 38 012 | 19 360 | 50.9% |
2018 | 2003-2011 | 40 877 | 37 043 | 17 841 | 48.2% |
2020 | 2003-2011 | 40 877 | 35 700 | 17 489 | 49.0% |
2022 | 2003-2019 | 57 105 | 51 412 | 21 867 | 42.5%*** |
2023 | 2003-2019 | 57 104**** | 50 889 | 22 753 | 44.7% |
2024 | 2003-2019 | 57 104 | 50 091 | 22 591 | 45.1% |
* After exclusion of dead and emigrated persons as well as those who have actively opted out.
** Also including SWES 2007 respondents from Stockholm and Gothenburg.
*** First wave prioritizing web over paper questionnaires.
**** After exclusion of former participants who have demanded deletion of all their data.
Table 2. Overview of the Y-SLOSH cohort including response rates.
Wave | Birth years* | Culmulative cohort size | No. of contacted persons* | No. of responses registered | Response frequency |
2024 | 1995-2006 | 19 618 | 19 618 | 2 862 | 14.6% |
* The year that the cohort members turn 30 they are transfered to the main SLOSH study.